Become a Licensed Training Provider or Sell our E-Learning Subscriptions
Licensed Training Provider partnerships are open to established and reputable organizations such as Institutes, medium to large sized training providers, professional service organizations and Chambers of Commerce. For an annual license fee per territory or region, Licensed Training Providers are authorized to deliver a fixed or unlimited number of consultative courses. Training, certifications, official training and examination materials, quality standards and appropriate marketing support are provided by the Digital Skills Authority.
Your organization may wish to deliver classroom courses, offer our e-learning and online courses or both. E-Learning Reseller partnerships are quick and simple to administer, with access codes pre-purchased in bulk at a discounted rate. Your customers use their unique subscription to access our platform and in doing so agree to the terms of service provided by Digital Skills Authority inc.
Please download our Testing and Reseller Partners presentation and complete the below enquiry form.
To help us support you with your enquiry and fast track you to the most appropriate colleague, please complete the below enquiry form.