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Digital Skills Authority is an international organization, and refers to the Digital Skills Authority group and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity.  The collective group operate as Industry's global awarding body and publisher of advanced digital and digital business skills.  Together, our firms form the Digital Skills Authority group. 'Digital Skills Authority’ is often used to refer either to individual firms within the group / network or to several or all of them collectively.   ( email addresses represent our brand and group). 


Digital Skills Authority inc. is the group's parent company and provider of our digital services, awards and certifications. It is also our intellectual property rights holder, operator and owner of our social media channels . It is incorporated in Delaware.   ( email addresses are used for legal and financial purposes for Digital Skills Authority inc.)


In the UK, Digital Skills Authority UK Ltd and it's sister company Digital Skills Authority Ltd provide operational support to the group, marketing services and UK business development. ( email addresses are used for legal and financial purposes for Digital Skills


Further developments about our EU companies will be posted here in the coming months.


The main board which includes the beneficial owner, founder and President Deborah Collier, is operated at the parent company Digital Skills Authority inc., with further directors and directorships throughout the group.


Digital Skills Authority inc's shareholders include our founder's media company  Portman Collier.  

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